Today I am posting a video on how to setup a microservice using k3d, k3s cluster. Last year I dedicated a lot of time to study machine learning and also spent some time exploring data engineering. Using that knowledge I built an application and found out some areas of improvement. Today I have the application running in k3s which is half the kubernetes (k8s), It’s now 1,412 days, 19 February 2021 - 1 January 2025. I plan to improvise the application using Angular, Go, Python and incorporate machine learning.

Day #383:


The application, “kitchen”, is a book management service, which has a angular frontend microservice, contact the ‘identity server’ to get authenticated and authorize to access Book Service & Chapter service. The four services are dockerized and deployed to k3s cluster using helm installation. I have posted a video explaining the entire process. This will be my infrastructure & architecture to onboard my machine learning models. There is long way to go, hope if everything falls in place as planned I think I am will be close to you.

Looking forward to become you!


Rajesh Radhakrishnan

Feb 19, 2021