This document is a guide for my learning to deploy an angular app connecting to a set of dotnet core microservice for authentication and other services.

Prologue: If knowledge = money, I belong to the middle class, this guide is to be a mirror for my own progress toward digital transformation and sharing it, so others can become my friends.

Flashback: I ended up using k8s after trying different platforms and tried to build a local environment for delivering my ideas in no time. While attempting it on my laptop with win.10 having 8GB RAM and reasonable HDD space I installed VirtaulBox and Vagrant following Just me and Opensource channel.

Present: I was so excited to learn all the tools that could be tried out in K8s like Istio, Traefik etc. All of a sudden the system started to slow down and came to know about k3s, k3d from the video here. Civo service with k3s is mind blowing to me, I don’t have to take care of the infrastructure complexity anymore. Following the learn guide here, I did some of the experiments in CIVO, is to install a docker dotnet core web api using faas cli docker image, also trying to push a full stack app using Angular+ .net core + mongodb. I am a web application developer trying to be a data scientist by 2025. I don’t know whether its ambitious but I want to try. On its way, trying to experiment and create an eco system in CIVO with all the tools for my ideas having microservices, web apps, machine learning models. I hope one day I will be proud to run a production ready idea, that has revolutionized the world :-). I will create a series of blog post having most of the commands and whether its failure or success.

  1. DotCore

  2. Angular

  3. MongoDB

  4. Python

  5. Java Spring Boot




  1. Use WSL in windows

  2. Install Docker, Windows Terminal

  3. Use VS Code with Dotnet Core and Angular framework essentials

  4. Remove <TAG> with you Docker ID

  5. Remove <PROJECT> with your Project Name

I followed the instructions here, following are the commands used:

NOTE: Don’t forget to change the local path “K:\Kubernetes\ubuntu-wsl\Docker\wsl\data” which refers to my local path

[WSL2 install & update]

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

[Install docker desktop and enable WSL]

wsl –list -v

wsl –export docker-desktop-data ”K:\Kubernetes\ubuntu-wsl\Docker\wsl\docker-desktop-data.tar”

wsl –unregister docker-desktop-data

wsl –import docker-desktop-data ”K:\Kubernetes\ubuntu-wsl\Docker\wsl\data” ”K:\Kubernetes\ubuntu-wsl\Docker\wsl\docker-desktop-data.tar” –version 2

Docker Setting > Enable “use the WSL 2 based engine”

Civo Setup

  1. Get the command line for Civo cluster, you can create a civo cluster, follow the instructions here.

  2. Get Kubectl installed and working

civo kubernetes ls

civo kubernetes config  <PROJECT> -infra –save –merge

kubectl config get-contexts

kubectl config set-context <PROJECT> -infra

kubectl config use-context <PROJECT> -infra


  1. VS Code

  2. Dotnet Core

[Setup identity server]

>npm i oidc-client

>ng new angular-client

>dotnet new webapi

>dotnet new -i IdentityServer4.Templates

>mkdir PROJECT-idserver

>cd .\ PROJECT-idserver\

>dotnet new is4ef 

>dotnet new is4inmem

  1. Dockerization

docker run –rm -d -p 27017:27017 -v /civolab/lab/kitchen:/data/db mongo

  1. Managing Secrets

kubectl delete secret secret-idserver-appsettings -n openfaas-fn

kubectl create secret generic secret-idserver-appsettings –from-file=secret-appsettings=appsettings.secrets.json -n openfaas-fn


  1. Docker Build:

docker build . -f Dockerfile -t PROJECT-web:local

docker tag kitchen-web:local <tag>/ <PROJECT>-web:v.0.2

docker push <TAG>/ PROJECT-web:v.0.2

  1. Open Faas Setup & Deploy

# Setup OpenFaas

curl -sLSf   sudo sh

export OPENFAAS_PREFIX=”<tag>/”

export DNS=”<YOUR_CIVO_CLUSTER_ID>” # As per dashboard

export OPENFAAS_URL=http://$DNS:31112

PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n openfaas basic-auth -o jsonpath=”{.data.basic-auth-password}”   base64 –decode; echo)
echo -n $PASSWORD   faas-cli login –username admin –password-stdin

faas-cli new –lang dockerfile api

faas-cli build

faas-cli push -f stack.yml # Contains all the image deployment

faas-cli deploy -f stack.idserver.yml # individual deployment

faas-cli deploy -f stack.web.yml

helm upgrade –install <PROJECT>-frontend /<PROJECT>-web/conf/charts/<PROJECT>-ui –namespace PROJECT –set app.image=<TAG>/<PROJECT>-web:latest

helm uninstall <PROJECT>-frontend -n <PROJECT>

Testing & Monitoring:

docker run –rm -p 5000:8080 -ti  -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development kitchen-idserver:local

kubectl get all -o wide -n kitchen

kubectl get all -o wide -n openfaas-fn

kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-operator-grafana 8080:80  -n monitoring

kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-operator-operator 8082:8080 -n monitoring

kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-operator-alertmanager 9093 -n monitoring

Get into the pod running in the cluster and verify the files.

kubectl exec –stdin –tty <podname> -n openfaas-fn – sh

Challenges & Solutions:

  1. Setting up local system – ( 8GB RAM)

  2. Dotnet Core

  3. Angular

  1. IdentityServer setup

    1. I am trying to deploy a dotnet core identityserver4 into my cluster using openfaas. When my angular client hit the pod for authentication the url resolves to mysever.openfass-fn.svc.cluster.local:8080 instead of the external url. Any idea?
  2. Microservice Architecture

  3. Ployglot implementation