Today I am a FSE, after 5 years I would like to become a Data Scientist. If I am an engineer I am supposed to have some skill set to build something. A few days before, out of curiosity I was wondering through a few sites, Kaggle, Google and planned to study Machine Learning. I am doing this just to convince one person that’s me after five year. I hit a web search “how many days from today 2025”. It gets 1,805 days, 23 January 2020 - 1 January 2025.

Day #1:


The first rule according to ML Rule #1, we need an app without machine learning, I took out a notepad and scribbled what came into my mind. Its an app that creates a video of interesting events from Nasa Media and Video Library API. We can login from a variety of social media networks ,get the general section populated with feeds, mark favorite from that list and create a video moment. As of today the app name I call it “Moments”.

I have installed a set of software’s into my personal laptop and started coding. Besides, today I consider myself to be the busiest person in the world but in order to thrive in field of technology I have to learn continuously. When you open up this app in Jan 01, 2025 I could have evolved from the current design. I don’t know now whether I can accomplish whatever I have envisioned but the confidence that I have today, makes me feel that it’s achievable. Another interesting thing is I don’t have to spend a single penny to make my dream a reality.

Looking forward to meet you!


Rajesh Radhakrishnan

Jan 23, 2019